Thursday, February 9, 2012


I seem to always be consumed with food my whole life I have been that way. About 10 years ago I became a Vegetarian Doc's orders. Last year on my hike I had a hard time. I always ate cheese and eggs. So a block of cheese would last a couple of days. I did eat some meat last year out of desperation when your hungry you will eat anything. That is true.

This year i am a Vegan very strict. So y food bag has been very challenging to say the least. I am trying not to go into town much for resupply. I 'm trying not to send bounce boxes, maybe a couple in difficult areas.
I love soup I have found some wonderful dehydrated soup in the ethnic department of the grocery store. They don't weigh much and will be wonderful if it's cold or I am running low on food.

Last year on the trail I mainly was concerned about water. How much I had and where the next stream is. Then it was food. The bears to I worried about them. So I talked a lot.
I will be starting at Springer again. So I have a feel for the strenuous hike up and over ,up and over. So mush fun and a sense of accomplishment.